Wounded Womb of the Mind/Heart, Part 2: EMOTIONAL ABUSE

by Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole on September 30, 2016


Are you walking around with a wounded womb state of mind?

This is part 2 of a series to address at least 3 wounded wombs of the mind/heart (stress, emotional abuse, and trauma) that go unnoticed and may lead to physical womb issues. See part 1 for intro.

Wounded Womb of the Mind/Heart #2: EMOTIONAL ABUSE

Emotional abuse is repetitive negative words, thoughts, or actions, which affect you emotionally. 

You may be affected so badly that you start to believe what you hear and feel to be true. Whether addressed directly or indirectly (i.e. in a group), intentionally or unintentionally, from yourself or someone else or even social media … the negativity still hurts when it hits your ears.

In the past, I was my own worst enemy, my worst critic.

I often doubted my abilities, even when I did well…I wasn't the best! I would often feel like a failure, even when I wasn't. So, what triggered that??  For me…I watched A LOT of TV, and believed at least 1/2 of what I saw as true. I believed things my friends told me true or not. I wasn't feeding my mind positively, except for 1 hour in Sunday school and/or 1 hr in church on Sundays. I didn't walk around depressed, but I didn't FEEL fullfulled even though I WAS. It goes a little deeper, but basically I had to change the commericals in my mind, as well as begin to FEEL self-love, and FEEL worthy in order to break out of the wounded womb of my mind/heart. Before then, like many, I used food for my sense of comfort. The worse the food the better I felt…but then I would feel bad if I gained weight. I believe this viscious emotional cycle and bad food choices led to part of my fibroid story. Here are some things to consider for the wounded womb of your mind/heart:

Damage emotional abuse can do to the womb of the mind/heart (short list)

  • causes you to feel you are not enough
  • causes lack of expressing self love
  • you feel less than others
  • you feel impulsive or obsessive
  • lead to depression
  • lack of sleep
  • may become reclusive or withdrawn
  • lead to anxiety
  • may become agressive or fearful

Then from the wounded mind/heart….to the wounded womb with issues like (examples):

  • Not feeling good enough –>> overeating or bad food choices–>> fibroids/cysts or infections
  • Feeling impulsive or obsessive / anxiety –>> drugs or alcohol –>> miscarriage
  • Lack of sleep –>> lack of energy –>> infertility
  • Lack of self-love / depression –>> lack of self-care –>> heavy bleeding and/or pain

Can you see the womb of the mind/heart and body connection more…like in part 1?

When you make a conscious effort to release and restore the wounded womb of your mind/heart, you get in a place of joy, peace, attract to you the good you want in your life, become open to nutritous foods, and in many cases have a happy womb!

Here is another conscious living tip of many to assist: 

1) Give thanks for recognizing the emotional abuse.appying-oils

2) Inhale a therapeutic grade essential oil rose blend, like JOY, while changing the negative commercials in your mind and raising your vibrations and feelings HIGHER with affirmations like: I AM LOVE, I AM SAFE, I AM LIGHT, NOTHING IS WRONG, I AM AT PEACE. I AM WORTHY, ALL IS IN DIVINE ORDER,I AM SO GRATEFUL, etc. 

Are you an emotional abuse survivor, or in the thick of it? Comment with your tips or need of support below or in the Conscious Living Care Community page.

If you want help identifying the wounded womb of your mind/heart, and get some specific rebalancing tips, contact me here, email, or send a text, and I will be happy to share those tips with you. [email protected] / 973-223-3144


Free 1 hr. workshops I am performing in your home, church, community center, etc. in the NYC, NJ area. Gather your friends, family, and assoicates and contact me for more info and bookings.















<<<< PAST EVENTS >>>>>

ONLINE guest speaker at the “Change Your Mind, Change Your Life” Women's International Conference.  #cymcyl  REPLAY & download: https://form.jotform.com/62285748383164


Many Blessings,
Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole, C.N.H.P.
meAyo(Pat) Hinds-Bankole, owner of Conscious Living Care (www.consciouslivingcare.com), is your ultimate Wellness Expert & Coach, helping people ignite and re-ignite their passion for great health from the inside out! Serving Men/women/children/pets nationally and internationally.

The contents of this site, are for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered or used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider or delay seeking it because of something you have read on the Internet, including on this site.

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Wounded Womb of the Mind/Heart, Part 1: STRESS

by Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole on August 7, 2016


Are you walking around with a wounded womb state of mind?

Prior to 1997, at 37, I was!

I always worried about finances, bills, car problems. I repeated negative incidents in my head about what someone said, or did, or what I did wrong. I would constantly have thoughts like "I never do anything right", "What's wrong with me?", " I never get a chance", "Why do I keep doing that?", "It's always something", "I give up", "There's no way I can…",  etc. 

Oh, and then I would compare myself to other people I knew or didn't know, saying stuff like "I wish I was as pretty as her", "I wish my <body part> looked like hers", "If only I could do <whatever> like him/her", "Wish I had a <material thing> like him/her".

You get the picture.

My issues were minor compared to many, but those were the little events that played in my head DAILY. What happens when there are more serious events? Rape, incest, miscarriage, death of a loved one, health crisis, media overload. How we deal with these things big or small, can wreck havoc on our bodies, especially as women, on our most emotionally sensitive area, our sacred center, our womb. There is an unspoken connection between the your physical womb and your mind (the womb of your mind).

This is part 1 of a series to address at least 3 wounded wombs of the mind that go unnoticed and affect the womb of our mind: emotional abuse, stress, and trauma.

Wounded Womb of the Mind/Heart #1: STRESS

I think some of us are getting the message about letting go of too much stress in our lives, from the job, relationships, and family, to finances, and health issues. You may do yoga, meditate, pray, take a walk, go to the gym, read, shop, etc., but is that just putting a Band-Aid on the issues? Are you using those tools/processes to get down to the core, to release the stress issue? What about those of you who are not aware of the impact stress has on the mind/body and does nothing to eliminate it or dodge it.? Here are some things to consider for the womb of your mind/heart:

Damage stress does to the womb of the mind/heart (short list)

  • causes you to doubt yourself
  • you become irritated and critical (to self and others)
  • cause lack of sleep, worry, fear
  • disconnects you from your Higher Self (Source, Creator,God…etc)
  • become withdrawn, depressed
  • causes lack of self-love
  • feel there is never time to do or complete anything
  • feel lack of love, money, health, etc
  • causes you to "beat your self up"
  • loss of passion, joy, peace, etc
  • loss of freedom
  • feeling alone, even with people around you

Stress needs to be released and resolved to protect or re-balance your physical womb from some issues like:

  • prolapsed colon/womb due to overeating for comfort or punishment
  • heavy bleeding and/or pain due to feeling irritated & critical
  • infertility due to negative suppressed beliefs or lack of self love
  • fibroids/cysts due to lack of self love, lack of vision & passion, heavy foods/meat for comfort
  • odor/infections/discharge due to feeling lonely, irritated, lack of self-love, eating devitalized foods for comfort
  • miscarriage due to disconnection to Higher Self, fear, worry

Do you see the connection between the womb of the mind and body now?

When you make a conscious effort to release and restore the wounded womb of your mind, you get in a place of joy, peace, attract to you the good you want in your life, and in many cases have a happy womb. So yes! Mediate. Pray. Work out. Rest. Laugh. AND RELEASE the core stress issues.

Here is one tip: 1) Give thanks for recognizing the stress; 2) connect to the voice of your wombIf you want help identifying your wounded womb of your mind, and get some specific rebalancing tips, contact me here, email, or send a text, and I will be happy to share those tips with you. [email protected] / 973-223-3144

What's your biggest stress related issue? Comment here or in the Conscious Living Care Community page.

 <<<<< UPCOMING EVENTS >>>>>

FREE ONLINE EVENT  Sat. Aug 13, 8am – 12pm CST. I will be a guest speaker at the “Change Your Mind, Change Your Life” Women's International Conference.  #cymcyl  

My Topic: NATURAL PATHWAYS TO RESTORE, BALANCE AND UPLIFT THE WOUNDED WOMB FROM EMOTIONAL DISTRESS & TOXIC ENVIRONMENTS…with 6 other dynamic speakers! Register here NOW: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-change-your-mind-change-your-life-international-womens-conference-tickets-24843096370

Audio Call in #: 1-516-418-5658 OR 1-844-800-6000 Access Code: 251-040-741 If code does not work, try pushing #


Many Blessings,
Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole, C.N.H.P.
meAyo(Pat) Hinds-Bankole, owner of Conscious Living Care (www.consciouslivingcare.com), is your ultimate Wellness Expert & Coach, helping people ignite and re-ignite their passion for great health from the inside out! Serving Men/women/children/pets nationally and internationally.

The contents of this site, are for informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this site is or should be considered or used as a substitute for professional medical or mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Never disregard medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider or delay seeking it because of something you have read on the Internet, including on this site.

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Womb Summer Love with the Elements of Nature

by Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole

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by Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole

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