CHANGES – in the circle of life

by Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole on November 11, 2012

There's a blessin' in the storm!

In this circle of life we live, change is inevitable.  It's been said that "Change IS the only constant". When I witnessed lives change in various ways over the last couple of weeks due to Hurricane Sandy and the Nor'ester, especially so close to home, it was a clear reminder of that saying. Suffering is caused by resistance to change!

The first few years of living with my husband was a constant change…literally.  He liked changing furniture around and I didn't.  It really, really, really bothered me.  I was annoyed. I was so resistant to change. Between 2001 and 2009, the company I worked for changed management 4 times and the office moved twice. Minor stuff, but I was so resistant to change I felt out of control.   Just a couple of years ago, we got water damage in the first floor of our home.  It was a complete mess, floors, walls, ceilings ruined.  Clothes, books, unusable.  After I got quiet and stopped blaming, complaining, and worrying I realized it was all just things and began to view the situation as an opportunity to remodel the first floor! … a blessin' in the storm. Over the years, I began to embrace unexpected changes in this manner.

So when this hurricane came and caused such devastation, I got quiet…looking for the blessing.  But I couldn't see it, I just kept seeing more and hurt and suffering.  So I went deeper within..deep breathing, meditation, herbal tonics.

Then it came. I began seeing the positive possibilities. In the mist of this huge shift in many lives I saw rekindled relationships with family and friends, creation or building of new relationships, growth for many into an even greater self, rebuilding new better homes, and even relocation for some to somewhere more desirable.

Then I began feeling grateful for even more.  Gratuity puts you in control.  I believe ALL things come to those who are grateful.

If you need to seek the blessin' from this storm, or any "storms" of life just be still, in silence, meditate/pray, envision the positive possibilities and be grateful for their occurrence now.  Check out these lyrics: or here it sung:

How do you handle unexpected changes? I welcome any and all comments!

Many Blessings,

Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole

Ayo(Pat) Hinds-Bankole, owner of Conscious Living Care, is your ultimate Wellness Expert & Coach, helping people ignite and re-ignite their passion for great health from the inside out! Serving Men/women/children/pets nationally and internationally.

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Adisa Olubayo Bankole November 18, 2012 at 10:54 am

Excellent observation an important statement for many who do not see or touch their inner being.  I highly recommend this wonderful human being to touch those who are in need of her service.  With such profound thoughts, beautiful spirit and generous heart,  Ms. Ayo is a gem to the universe.

Solange November 18, 2012 at 1:11 pm

 This touch me deeply and the song is beautiful!Thank you Ayo!

Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole November 18, 2012 at 4:42 pm

Thanks for the compliments. I am touched that you are touched!

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