Start new TODAY and EVERYDAY!!

by Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole on February 20, 2013

Many people focus on starting “anew” each New Year…that is “a new” something. I like to keep in mind that you can actually start anew EVERYDAY!! . Just like the sun rises new each day, there is no continuation from the previous day. (OK. Yeah technically the earth completes a new rotation each day, but ya know what I mean).

Consider TODAY the day you start anew… eating better, plan a long overdue trip, drink more water, keep in contact with family/friends, start a project, exercise more, plan dates with your spouse, play/talk to your kids more, get more rest, ask for help, pray/meditate more, etc. And guess what?? Whatever you didn’t do or start yesterday, you can start TODAY! You have permission. Your best asset is the present… TODAY.! Yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t arrived yet so you might as well start TODAY.

So TODAY be magnificent!
TODAY follow your dreams!
TODAY be of great courage!
TODAY and EVERYDAY start anew!

TODAY I rose at 4am to pray/meditate and write this blog, as I have wanted to do for some time. I am present. I would love to “hear” what you’ve started TODAY.

Many Blessings,
Ayo (Pat) Hinds-Bankole

Ayo(Pat) Hinds-Bankole, owner of Conscious Living Care, is your ultimate Wellness Expert & Coach, helping people ignite and re-ignite their passion for great health from the inside out! Serving Men/women/children/pets nationally and internationally.

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